Wildlife Assessment Check tool

Wildlife Assessment Check tool

This is a free online tool for householders and small to medium-scale developers who want to undertake a development project to check whether they will need expert ecological advice before submitting a planning application. A user can enter a development location using a map (either directly, or by place name/postcode or grid reference lookup). They then answer a number of context-sensitive […]

AWA Magazine: Building on online magazine archive

AWA Magazine: Building on online magazine archive

AWA: la revue de la femme noire was an independent magazine produced in Dakar, Senegal by a network of African women between 1964 and 1973. The magazine features poems, short stories, political reportage, and essays, alongside recipes, fashion, home-furnishings, and readers’ letters pages. It presents women’s lives as citizens, mothers, sisters, workers, and consumers against the global […]

New ‘EBVM Learning’ website launched today

New ‘EBVM Learning’ website launched today

EBVM Learning is a new online tutorial, introducing the concepts of Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine (EBVM) – and it is officially launched today (30th October 2015). I have been involved throughout the project, advising on website structure, content, functionality, and developing the website itself. The site uses WordPress. The official press release is reproduced here: The EBVM Learning Consortium would […]

Weather data from the cloud

Weather data from the cloud

Recently, a mobile app I was working on required a real time calculation to convert the pressure recorded in a submerged river sensor to a figure based on the ambient air pressure for that location. “You should be able to get that from the BBC, or the Met Office, I think.” I headed to the […]

WordPress: Automatically add child-posts

WordPress: Automatically add child-posts

In a recent project, a requirement of the WordPress site I was building was to automatically create child posts when adding a post of a certain type. It turns out that this is fairly easy using the wp_insert_post function, but there are a number of factors to take into consideration (not least not creating a new […]

End of week one

End of week one

A ‘gentle’ first week in my new job. This week has mainly involved setting up the administration side of the business (and this website, of course) after the Christmas period. Lots to do, not least sourcing a functional keyboard for my Macbook! I spent several hours in the impressive Engine Shed centre near Bristol Temple Meads, meeting new […]